Find how God has SHAPE'd you for service!
At Riverview Adventist Church we believe that everyone has been called by God to serve. After bending down and washing their feet, Jesus told His disciples, "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you" (John 13:14-15). This principle of service is built into the kingdom of God. Every follower of Jesus is a servant to others. You can serve in many ways: in your family, with your neighbors, to a stranger you meet around town, or through intentional ministry and mission.
God has designed you with your own set of spiritual gifts, passions, personality and experiences that SHAPE your calling. SHAPE stands for Spiritual Gifts, Heart (passions), Abilities, Personality and Experiences. You can find how you fit in service to others at the intersection of these facets of your life. Have you been asked to do something in the church that just didn't fit? SHAPE will help you know where to put your efforts and when to say, "that's not my calling."
When you fill out your SHAPE assessment you'll get an email with a link to a PDF document. Here's an example of the results.
The Spiritual Gifts results are based on a well-used spiritual gifts inventory test. These are great indicators of the spiritual gifts God has given you.
The Heart results are simply things you indicate that you are highly interested in.
The Abilities results show things that you are skilled in — for example, you could indicate that you have a CDL license and therefore have the ability to drive a pathfinder or school bus.
Your Personality results are based on the DISC personality assessment tool. DISC stands for Dominant, Influential, Steady and Conscientious (or compliant). The concept with this personality assessment is to find where you fit on a circle where the top and bottom are on a scale of outgoing vs reserve, and the left and right are on a scale from task oriented to people oriented.

The Experiences section of the assessment gives you a chance to answer some thought provoking questions about the experiences that you've had in life and explore how your history shapes your calling.
Whether you've been a part of the Riverview church for some time, or are just figuring out where you might fit in, please take our SHAPE assessment (spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experience) and our Ministry Placement Team will help you find a role where you can fulfill your God-given calling.
If you are new here, click on the "login as guest" button and follow the prompts. If we already have your name an email on file, click on the "login through Church Center" button and follow the prompts to take the assessment. For those who have already taken the SHAPE assessment you can access your assessment by clicking on the Church Center link will email you a list of available positions that fit your SHAPE assessment.
Here are some of the many ministries at Riverview that you can be a part of.